
AbstractThe Eulerian volume transport in internal equatorial Kelvin waves subject to viscous attenuation is investigated theoretically by integrating the horizontal momentum equations in the vertical. In terms of small perturbations, the time-averaged horizontal transports are determined to second order in wave steepness. The total Lagrangian volume transport in this problem consists of a Stokes transport plus an Eulerian transport. It is known that the Stokes transport, that is, the vertically integrated Stokes drift, in inviscid internal equatorial Kelvin waves vanishes identically in the rigid-lid approximation for arbitrary vertical variation of the Brunt–Väisälä frequency. The present study considers spatial wave damping due to viscosity. The Stokes transport still becomes zero, but now the radiation stresses due to decaying waves become source terms for the Eulerian mean transport. Calculations of the wave-induced Eulerian transport yield a jetlike symmetric mean flow along the equator from west to east for each baroclinic component, with compensating westward flows on both sides. The flow system scales as the internal equatorial Rossby radius in the north–south direction. The total eastward part of the Eulerian volume flux centered about the equator is estimated to about 0.2 Sv (1 Sv ≡ 106 m3 s−1) for the first baroclinic mode.

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