
AbstractThe Euler–Mascheroni constant $\gamma =0.5772\ldots \!$ is the $K={\mathbb Q}$ example of an Euler–Kronecker constant $\gamma _K$ of a number field $K.$ In this note, we consider the size of the $\gamma _q=\gamma _{K_q}$ for cyclotomic fields $K_q:={\mathbb Q}(\zeta _q).$ Assuming the Elliott–Halberstam Conjecture (EH), we prove uniformly in Q that $$ \begin{align*} \frac{1}{Q}\sum_{Q<q\le 2Q} |{\gamma_q - \log q}| = o(\log Q).\end{align*} $$ In other words, under EH, the $\gamma _q /\!\log q$ in these ranges converge to the one point distribution at $1$ . This theorem refines and extends a previous result of Ford, Luca and Moree for prime $q.$ The proof of this result is a straightforward modification of earlier work of Fouvry under the assumption of EH.

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