
AbstractIt was established by Boalch that Euler continuants arise as Lie group valued moment maps for a class of wild character varieties described as moduli spaces of points on$\mathbb {P}^1$by Sibuya. Furthermore, Boalch noticed that these varieties are multiplicative analogues of certain Nakajima quiver varieties originally introduced by Calabi, which are attached to the quiver$\Gamma _n$on two vertices andnequioriented arrows. In this article, we go a step further by unveiling that the Sibuya varieties can be understood using noncommutative quasi-Poisson geometry modelled on the quiver$\Gamma _n$. We prove that the Poisson structure carried by these varieties is induced, via the Kontsevich–Rosenberg principle, by an explicit Hamiltonian double quasi-Poisson algebra defined at the level of the quiver$\Gamma _n$such that its noncommutative multiplicative moment map is given in terms of Euler continuants. This result generalises the Hamiltonian double quasi-Poisson algebra associated with the quiver$\Gamma _1$by Van den Bergh. Moreover, using the method of fusion, we prove that the Hamiltonian double quasi-Poisson algebra attached to$\Gamma _n$admits a factorisation in terms ofncopies of the algebra attached to$\Gamma _1$.

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