
Inhibitors of (a) DNA topoisomerases (novobiocin and nalidixic acid) and of (b) eukaryotic DNA polymerases α (cytosine arabinoside) and β (dideoxythymidine) blocked different steps of DNA repair, demonstrated by the effects of the inhibitors on the relaxation of supercoiled DNA nucleoids following treatment of human cell cultures with ultraviolet light (1–3 J/m 2) or MNNG (5 or 20 μM) and the subsequent restoration of the supercoiled nucleoids during repair incubation. Changes in the supercoiling of nucleoid DNA were assayed by analysis of their sedimentation profiles in 15–30% neutral sucrose gradients. Inhibition of repair by novobiocin was partially reversible; upon its removal from the culture medium, the nucleoid DNA of repairing cells became relaxed. The DNA polymerase inhibitors allowed the initial relaxation of DNA after treatment of the cells with ultraviolet or MNNG but delayed the regeneration of rapidly-sedimenting (supercoiled) nucleoid DNA for 2–4 h. Dideoxythymidine (1 mM) was more effective than cytosine arabinoside (1 μM) in producing this delay, but neither inhibitor by itself blocked repair permanently. Incubation of ultraviolet-irradiated cells with 1 μM cytosine arabinoside plus 1 mM dideoxythymidine blocked the completion of repair for 24 h, whereas incubation with 10 μM cytosine arabinoside or 5 mM dideoxythymidine produced only temporary repair delays of 2–4 h. Thus, it is likely that the two DNA polymerase inhibitors act upon separate targets and that both targets are involved in repair. It is concluded from these and from previous studies that (1) the DNA repair-sensitive target of novobiocin and nalidixic acid in vivo is not a DNA polymerase, but, rather, a DNA topoisomerase; (2) this target affects an initial step of DNA repair leading to the relaxation of supercoiled DNA; (3) the DNA polymerization step of repair may involve both α- and β-type DNA polymerases; and (4) in repair, one type of DNA polymerase may substitute for another.

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