
The so-called ″eugenic″ abortion has an extraordinary differential nuance compared to the other legally established modalities of abortion, which is specified in the way the woman's decision is formed, which is not prior, but a consequence of medical information received about the foetus; a decision, moreover, in which there is a clear ″discriminatory″ component, since the abortion is produced exclusively because of the disability of the foetus. This uniqueness requires attention to the context in which eugenic decisions are made, because they involve three fundamental elements which, depending on how they are made, may or may not lead to abortion: firstly, the opportunity to carry out certain prenatal tests in the absence of risk factors. Secondly, the enormous responsibility of health professionals in informing parents about the results of a prenatal test. Thirdly, the point of view of future parents, who should avoid a eugenic conception of parenthood, being aware that what is developing in the woman's womb is their son or daughter, not a generic embryo affected by anomalies; and that a son or daughter is a personal reality,beyond his o her capabilities. The paper addresses these three issues, which make eugenic abortion a discriminatory and avoidable practice, since the aim is not to prevent the woman's decision to abort, but to endorse her primary decision to continue with the pregnancy on the basis of a positive, non-eugenic view of disability.

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