
From the moment of its establishment, EUFOR Chad/Central African Republic was a specific military operation, not only from the perspective of the European Union, but the host countries as well. Mutual skepticism emerged already in the first phase of the decision-making process, when the preliminary assessments of its success and implementation were quite pessimistic. The lack of agreement among the EU Member States regarding conducting an intervention conditioned additional efforts of France, as the main initiator, to fulfil its ambitions through the decisions of Common Security and Defense Policy, thus securing its strategic position on the African continent. Equally pronounced critical blade in Chad was also covered up, having in mind that the inevitable fragmentation of ideas was avoided through a one-sided decision passed by the current political leadership. The other specificity is reflected in the fact that, based on numerous parameters, EUFOR Chad/CAR operation was assessed as the biggest intervention of the European Union conducted so far. Despite operative, logistical and financial difficulties that postponed implementation of the mandate, the operation was concluded on March 15, 2009. The logical question emerging regarding the previously stated characteristics is whether they impacted the defining of the mandate, the dynamics of its implementation and the final result of EUFOR Chad/CAR operation? The basic assumption which is the starting point for the authors of this paper states that the pronounced specificities echoed in the form of politization of the mandate and the military management of the Darfur crisis as direct motives of the operation. The lack of political mechanisms supporting the military action in conflict solution concurrently contributed to militarization of crisis management of the EU. The affirmative argument of the previously expressed statements is the impact of permanent shortages to the consistency and effectiveness of the results of EUFOR. An additional insight is expressed in the consent of the host country, the Republic of Chad, which was, in this concrete case, driven by strategic interests and strengthening of the authoritarian rule.


  • If we examine the dynamics of previous conflicts, it can be concluded that the causes lay in the interaction between the pattern of internal political violence directed towards gaining access to state resources in the context of low economic development on one side, and the heritage, that is, previous colonial goals of France on the other

  • Without trying to eradicate the causes of the Darfur knot, the European Union has subordinated a large part of its crisis management to individual affinities of the member states

  • The politization of the Common Security and Defense Policy was reflected in the militarization of the whole approach, entirely in favor of the authoritarian rule of Idriss Deby

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Институт за политичке студије

ЕУФОР ЧАД/ЦЕНТРАЛНОАФРИЧКА РЕПУБЛИКА: ПОЛИТИЗОВАНИ МАНДАТ ЕВРОПСКЕ УНИЈЕ И ВОЈНО УПРАВЉАЊЕ ДАРФУРСКОМ КРИЗОМ∗∗∗. Сажетак: ЕУФОР Чад/Централноафричка република је од момента успостављања била специфична војна oперација како из перспективе Европске уније, тако и земаља домаћина. Друга специфичност се огледа у чињеници да је операција ЕУФОР Чад/ЦАР на основу бројних параметара оцењена као највећа реализована војна интервенција Европске уније до сада. Логично питање које се намеће у вези са наведеним карактеристикама је да ли су оне утицале на дефинисање мандата, динамику спровођења и крајњи исход операције ЕУФОР Чад/ЦАР? Основна претпоставка од које аутори полазе у раду је да су наглашене специфичности имале одјек у политизацији мандата и војном управљању Дарфурском кризом, као директ-. Јованка Кувекаловић-Стаматовић / Вања Глишин, ЕУФОР Чад/Централноафричка република:. Кључне речи: војна операција ЕУФОР Чад/Централноафричка република, Европска унија, Заједничка безбедносна и одбрамбена политика, Француска

Дарфурска криза и улога Европске уније
Приоритизација Дарфурске кризе као увертира у војно реаговање ЕУ
Закључна разматрања
The Darfur crisis and the role of the European Union
Concluding remarks
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