
Facing 5th Enlargement, current EU member states had apparently been worrying over the future trend in ‘East-West’ labour migration. Some econometrical analysis showed that only the limited scale of labour movement is to be seen after Enlargement, whose impact on the whole EU labour market is modest. The member states have succeeded so far in persuading the citizens with the data, while Germany urged EU to set up 7-year transition period in the area of ‘free movement of people, ’ for the protection of its domestic market.Concerns over migration in the enlarged EU are in fact wider-ranged. Most member states now see new members, not so ‘migrant-sending’ as ‘migranttransit’ countries; the new member states have been requested high-qualified capability in external immigration control, to prevent sudden and unlimited influx of illegal migrants from outside the enlarged EU. These states were therefore obliged to meet the criteria of various JHA policies; they were even under pressure to sign such international treaties as 1951 Geneva Convention and Dublin Convention.EU's policy towards its new members as above is well understood as a part of EU strategy on global migration control. ‘The Strategy Paper on Immigration Policy’ presented by Austrian Presidency in 1998, whose essence has benignantly been modified in Tampere, considers EU's political strategy to 4 areas respectively; (1) Schengen area, (2) EU, (3) future EU, and (4) others. The strategy aims at strengthening external border control facilities of EU, as well as combating illegal migratory movement through ‘root-cause’-approach-based negotiation with migrant-sending countries. Area (4) apparently matches for the target of the negotiation, while in most cases area (3) needs effort to provide sound immigration control system. The EU accession dialogue has so far been effective for countries of area (3) to be set in the EU strategic script. The 5th enlargement can also be explained in this logic. Cooperation with area (4), however, has not yet fully established as there is few means to be found up until today of motivating area (4) countries to set themselves for the cooperation with EU.

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