
Quantum electrodynamics is transcribed into a Euclidean metric. A review is presented of the quantum action-principle approach to quantization, with its automatic emphasis on the dynamical variables associated with the physical degrees of freedom. Green's functions of the radiation gauge are defined, and then characterized by differential equations and boundary conditions. These Green's functions are of direct physical significance but involve a distinguished time-like direction. A gauge transformation is then performed to eliminate this dependence, introducing thereby the Green's functions of the Lorentz gauge, which lack immediate physical interpretation. The latter functions are now primarily defined by differential equations and boundary conditions, and form the basis for the analytic extension which is the change from space-time to Euclidean metric. Some properties of anticommuting matrices are discussed in relation to this metric transformation. Real Euclidean Green's functions are defined by correspondence with the Lorentz gauge functions and the appropriate differential equations obtained. Invariance properties of the Euclidean functions are discussed. The individual Euclidean Green's functions are given an operator construction and then combined into a generating Green's functional which is interpreted as the wave function, in a canonical field representation, of a state characterized by the Euclidean action operator. Differential operator realizations and some other benefits of a canonical variable description are exhibited.

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