
1. During a progressive increase of Fluothane (Halothane) anaesthesia, repetitive stimulation of the mesencephalic retioular formation (MRF) produces several fusimotor effects — static, dynamic or depressant — on primary endings of soleus muscle spindles (Vedel et Mouillac-Baudevin 1969). 2. Transection of the brain immediately rostral to the site of stimulation may increase the dynamic effect but does not alter the static or the depressant effects. 3. A section of the rubrospinal tract does not modify the fusimotor effects elicited by stimulation of the MRF. 4. Transections of the spinal cord have shown that the pathways responsible for the transmission of these effects are mainly situated in the ipsilateral ventral and ventrolateral funiculi which contain the efferent fibers from the pontine reticular formation (PRF), from the bulbar reticular formation (BRF) and from the vestibular nucleus. 5. Contra and ipsilateral PRF stimulation produces the static fusimotor effect; contralateral stimulation from a small anterior region produces the dynamic effect. 6. Stimulation of the lateral part of the ipsilateral BRF elicits the dynamic effect while stimulation of the medial part elicits the static effect.

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