
TESLA (TeV Superconducting Linear Accelerator) is an international collaboration which is studying the feasibility of an $e^+e^-$ collider of energy 0.8 TeV in the center of mass. One of the first goals of this collaboration was to construct a prototype linear accelerator at the DESY Laboratory in Hamburg, the TESLA Test Facility (TTF), in order to establish the technical basis for the collider. Two injectors were developed for TTF: a thermionic injector (developed by LAL-Orsay, IPN-Orsay, and CEA-Saclay) and a photo-injector (developed by Fermilab). The thermionic injector was used from February 1997 to October 1998, and then it was replaced by the photo-injector, which was first operated in December 1998. Another photo-injector, identical to the one delivered to TTF, was installed at Fermilab in the $A{\emptyset}$ Building. The first beam from the latter was produced on 3 March 1999. The photo-injector consists of an RF gun, followed by a superconducting cavity. The RF gun is a 1.625-cell copper cavity with a resonant frequency of 1.3 GHz. The gun contains a cesium telluride ($C_{s_2}$Te) photo-cathode, which is illuminated by UV pulses from a Nd:YLF laser. The system can produce trains of 800 bunches of photo-electrons of charge 8 nC per bunch with spacing between bunches of 1$\mu$s and 10 Hz repetition rate. Upon emerging from the RF gun, the beam energy is 4 to 5 MeV; the beam is then rapidly accelerated by the superconducting cavity to an energy of 17 to 20 MeV. Finally, a magnetic chicane, consisting of 4 dipoles, produces longitudinal compression of the electron bunches. This thesis describes the installation of the photo-injector at Fermilab and presents the experimentally-measured characteristics of the injector. The principal measurements were quantum eciency, dark current, transverse emittance, and bunch length. The conclusion from these studies is that the quality of the photo-injector beam fullls the design goals. The photo-injector at Fermilab is presently available for user experiments, including the production of at beams and plasma wake eld acceleration.

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