
We have studied and implemented a data acquisition system for variable phenomena. It is of cheap price, easy to use and can be employed in Laboratory or in situ experimental set up. The signal delayed processing is then carried out by means of a computer. It includes tape recording and playing back original interfaces conceived for use with no professional stereophonic cassette recorders. The analog or logic signal is recorded on a track while a clock signal, recorded on the other track, permits synchronization of several measures. The system makes possible the processing of voltage signals from 50 mV to 10 V and signal frequencies from 8 Hz to 400 Hz on continuous working conditions with a precision better than 0.8% and on transient working conditions the processing of input signals voltages varying of 4 V per 0.1 second and variation frequency of 80 Hz per 0.1 second. The consumption per channel does not exceed 130 mA. An example of in situ wind turbine data acquisition is shown here Mise en œuvre d'une chaine d'acquisition de phenomenes variables dans le temps. Elle est utilisable sur banc d'essai en laboratoire ou sur site, le traitement differe se faisant ensuite par ordinateur. Elle est constituee d'interfaces originales d'enregistrement et de lecture concues en association avec des magnetophones stereophoniques a cassette de type «grand public»

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