
Ets1 deletion in some mouse strains causes septal defects and has been implicated in human congenital heart defects in Jacobsen syndrome, in which one copy of the Ets1 gene is missing. Here, we demonstrate that loss of Ets1 in mice results in a decrease in neural crest (NC) cells migrating into the proximal outflow tract cushions during early heart development, with subsequent malalignment of the cushions relative to the muscular ventricular septum, resembling double outlet right ventricle (DORV) defects in humans. Consistent with this, we find that cultured cardiac NC cells from Ets1 mutant mice or derived from iPS cells from Jacobsen patients exhibit decreased migration speed and impaired cell-to-cell interactions. Together, our studies demonstrate a critical role for ETS1 for cell migration in cardiac NC cells that are required for proper formation of the proximal outflow tracts. These data provide further insights into the molecular and cellular basis for development of the outflow tracts, and how perturbation of NC cells can lead to DORV.

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