
Each year Ornithology as the main study of birds grows stronger among biologist, environmentalists and ornithologists who search increasing the registers of new species and keeping of their habitats. For the locations of Vaupes and Guainia, this topic is very important as a new experience which contributes to the preservation of the biological corridor. The goal of this research merges the traditional indigenous knowledge with the taxonomic clasification of the avifauna in each location supported by the cosmovision of indigenous group as Tukanos, Kubeos, Kurripacos and Puivanes. It is remarkable the value of this wisdom in the social and ecological behaviour of natives. In this manner, riversides of Vaupes and Inirida, lakes “ La Bruja” and “Mituseno” are taken as special places of observation and characterization of birds, also urban areas of Mitu and Inirida, ecological trails like “La ceiba” communities near to Urania, Mitu, Cachivera and El coco cuayare. The research takes into account the review of special guides of birds, the observation and the register of species according to the high cultural meaning of the ethnic-groups. The result is 30 data sheets for each location and an audiovisual manual of birds linking information about traditional origin and seasons of the year as determining data in the relation human - nature. These studies allow a wider vision about those species that preserve the culture of the races minimizing the risks by the acculturation, likewise, they helps for the implementation of strategies of autonomous intervention in those regions

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