
Bu calisma kisintili yemlemenin etlik piliclerde performans, karkas ozellikleri, plazma IGF-1 konsantrasyonu ve asites olusumu uzerine olan etkilerini arastirmak amaci ile yapilmistir. Arastirma toplam 280 adet erkek etlik pilic uzerinde yurutulmustur. Calisma, kontrol ve uc deneme grubunda 5 tekerrurlu olarak duzenlenmistir. Kontrol grubunda ad-libitum olarak yemleme yapilirken, birinci, ikinci ve ucuncu deneme gruplarinda, gunde sirasiyla 8, 16 ve 24 saat sureyle kisintili yemleme uygulanmistir. Deneme sonunda ortalama canli agirlik, canli agirlik artisi, yem tuketimi, yasama gucu ve verim indeksi bakimindan kontrol ve diger gruplar arasindaki farkliliklar istatistiki olarak onemli bulunmazken (P>0.01) yem degerlendirme sayisi bakimindan ortaya cikan farkliliklar istatistiki olarak onemli olmustur (P<0.05). Arastirma sonunda sirasiyla kontrol ve deneme gruplarinda canli agirliklar; 2511.20, 2500.80, 2546.40 ve 2541.80 g, canli agirlik artislari; 2476.80, 2454.20, 2500.20 ve 2495.40 g, yem tuketimi; 5027.20, 5070.00, 4992.00 ve 5080.40 g, yem degerlendirme sayisi ise; 2.066, 2.029, 1.996 ve 2.036 olarak tespit edilmistir. Deneme sonunda olculen but, gogus, kanat ve yenilebilir ic organ miktarlari degismezken; karkas randimani onemli duzeyde yukselmis (P<0.05) ve abdominal yag miktari ise onemli duzeyde azalmistir (P<0.01). Denemenin 49. gununde etlik piliclerden elde edilen hematokrit ve sag karincik / toplam karincik (RV/TV) degerleri kisintili yemlemenin etkisiyle onemli duzeyde azalmistir (P<0.05). Hematokrit ve RV/TV degerleri serbest yemlenen grupta daha yuksek, 24 saat kisitlama uygulanan grupta daha dusuk bulunmustur.Guplarda IGF-1degerleri kisintili yemlemenin etkisiyle 21. ve 26. gunlerde onemli duzeyde azalirken (P<0.05) denemenin sonu itibariyle bu etki onemsiz bulunmustur. Sonuc olarak, kisintili yemleme uygulamasi hayvanlarda yem degerlendirme sayisi ve karkas randimanini iyilestirerek, abdominal yag miktari ve IGF-1 degerini azaltarak, olumlu etkilerde bulunmustur. Ancak asites olusumu bakimindan gruplar arasinda herhangi bir farklilik gozlenmemistir. AbstractThis experiment was conducted to investigate the effects of feed restriction on broiler performance, carcass traits, plasma concentration of IGF-1 and development of ascites.The total of 280 day-old (Roos-308) male broiler chicks were used in present study. The experiment was held with a randomly allocated control group and three treatment groups with five replicates each. The birds were fed ad libitum in the control group while in experimental groups, feed availability were restricted for 8, 16 and 24 hrs per day for the 1st, 2nd and 3rd groups, respectively. Average final body weight, body weight gain, feed consumption, livabilitiy and production index were not affected by feed restriction, but feed conversion ratios was significantly differ among groups (P<0.05). Body weight was 2511.20, 2500.80, 2546.40 and 2541.80 g; body weight gain was 2476.80, 2454.20, 2500.20 and 2495.40 g; feed intake was 5027.20, 5070.00, 4992.00 and 5080.40 g and feed conversion ratio was 2.066, 2.029, 1.996 and 2.036 for control and other three above mentioned treatments respectively. At the end of the experiment, although feed restriction had no significant effect on weight of thigh, chest, wings and abdominal edible organs percentage, but carcass performance was significantly increased (P<0.05) and abdominal fat was decreased (P<0.01) by feed restriction. At 49th d of experiment, haematocrit and RV/TV values were significantly decreaed by feed restriction (P<0.05). Hematocrit and RV/TV values were highest in control birds and lowest in 24h restricted treatments. At the 21th and 26th d of experiment, the plasma IGF-1 concentration was decreased in restricted groups (P<0.05), but not at 49th day. In conclusion, feed restriction in broiler chickens lead to improvment in feed conversion ratio and carcass performance and decrease abdominal fat percentage and plasma IGF-1 values. Also feed restriction had no significant effect on ascites incidance.

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