
The ETL (Extract, Transform and Load) process is part of the Intelligent Business (BI) tools. It is used in organizations, public and private, to compile and process data, as well as perform extraction, cleaning, optimization and unification of various sources and loads of data in a Data Warehouse. BI makes it possible to achieve more accurate results, using a multidimensional database, oriented by subject, non-volatile, historical, decision-making and variable in relation to time. The ETL process proved to be an effective tool in the management of retired employees of a Federal Educational Institution, since it enabled the development of a base of indicators, through the BI, quantitative, qualitative and geographic tools of these employees. With the unification of the various databases, it was possible to identify the spatial location of the servers, allowing faster contact, their concentration by age group, the level and intensity of the links between the parties, as well as the evolution of health-related issues, evolution of retirement, mainly in legal matters. Thus, this article describes the ETL process designed to extract information about retired employees from different data sources and the creation of a Data Warehouse capable of providing individual and group information about these retired employees.

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