
This article focuses on the incidence of intrauterine pneumonia among newborns, with an emphasis on premature babies. So, at the beginning of the 21st century, there is a clear trend in all countries to an increase in the number of births of premature patients. Among the variety of intrauterine infections in premature infants, intrauterine pneumonia deserves close attention. The article presents the main risk factors for preterm birth. The modern views on the etiology of intrauterine pneumonia in newborn infants are presented in detail. The main causative agents of this pathological process are given. The causes of lung lesions in newborns, especially premature babies, are indicated. Clear parallels are drawn between low gestational age and newborn’s body weight with the consequences of previous hypoxia (acute and / or chronic), as well as with the emergence and rate of development of intrauterine infection and its influence on the formation and development of the fetal immune system. The combined effect of unfavorable factors subsequently leads to the manifestation of pronounced immunosuppression in the newborn and creates the preconditions for the generalization of the pathological process.

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