
Colletotrichum species infect temperate fruit trees and symptoms can occurin various parts of the plant such as twigs, leaves, fl owers, and fruits. The damage caused by these diseases is severe in Brazilian subtropical conditi ons, where a high primary inoculum potential is present. This review addresses e ological and epidemiological studies of Colletotrichum spp. in persimmon, apple, peach, and grapevine crops. General aspects of the management of the diseases under subtropical conditi ons are also discussed. Regarding etiology, new taxonomic classifications of species, brief history of nomenclature, phylogenetic studies for species identification and survey of species reported as causal agents of diseases were reviewed. Regarding epidemiology, favorable conditions for the pathogen and the stages of the disease cycles were addressed. For persimmon and apple crops, a more in-depth discussion about the diseases was held. Two disease cycles, in the form of illustrative fi gures were proposed: Colletotrichum spp. x persimmon and Colletotrichum spp. x apple tree. The cycles were based on literature and on epidemiological studies developed by our research group. The etiological and epidemiological studies reported here provide support for integrated management strategies for the diseases that are causing damage to these fruit trees in Brazil and worldwide

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