
Background: Severe acute pancreatitis (SAP) is associated with high morbidity and mortality due to the development of pancreatic and an infection that follows extra-pancreatic necrosis, and multisystem organ failure (MOF). Objective: To determine the value of jejunal tube in the treatment of severe acute pancreatitis. Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted at Saidu group of teaching hospitals, Saidu Sharif Swat, Pakistan, which was performed between July 2020 and March 2022, The total number of patients in our study were 112. The number of Male patients were 33 and female were 79. In 112 consecutive patients who underwent for blood tests and Procedures. We did CT scan for all patients to determine the grade of pancreatitis. Data was tabulated and analyzed by SPSS. Results: In a current study total of 112 patients were enrolled with mean±SD age of 52.61±5.54 years. The maximum age were 61 and minimum ages were 41. The mean±SD of serum lipase were 639.56±209.9. The maximum serium lipase were 1107 and minimum serium lipase were 299. The mean±SD of time of patients recovery were 5.96±1.09. The maximum time of patients recovery were 10 and minimum time of patients recovery were 5. The mean±SD of recovery days were 5.63±0.78. The maximum recovery days of patients were 9 and minimum recovery time were 5. Bar graph showing gender distribution in which females patients were 79 and males patients were 33. In this graph females patients were more as compared to males patients. The number of patients with abdominal pain were 109. The number of patients came to hospital with nausea were 86. The number of patients present with vomiting were 26. The patients who have gall stone were 51. The effectivenss of J-Tube in patients were 33. The complication were noted in 4 patients and the jejunal Tube were pass to 36 patients. Mild pancreatitis patients were 22%, moderate pancreatitis patients were 48% and severe pancreatitis patients were 30%. Conclusion: The recovery time of patients from severe acute pancreatitis was 5 to 10 days. Jejunal tube is more effective in the patients who has more vomiting in severe acute pancreatitis. Jejunal tube is pass to the patient as soon as possible when patient is diagnose with sever acute pancreatitis. In severe acute pancreatitis patients have more vomiting and abdominal pain. We can diagnose patient of sever acute pancreatitis on Serium lipase blood test. In our study females were more as compare to males.

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