
Sheikh Muhammad Samman who love science and adrift heart of the religious sciences, devoted himself to God directly in the path of Sufism. Because of his persistence in the world of mysticism, it leds Sheikh Muhammad Samman to various teachers and sheikhs, until he also founded a new tarikat which is a combination of various tarikat that he followed previously. The emergence of a new tarikat that is based on some tarikat is not new and can be accepted. Surely, he formed a new tarikat called Sammaniyah that have many followers until now. Of his teachings in the tarikat, there are some rules that discussed about relationship between the Murshid or sheikh with a pupil. The concept about it is similar to the relationship between the Prophet with his companions or with some of his followers. From Sirah Nabawiyah, it can be concluded how the Companions of the Messenger had spoken and vice versa as well as he, the Prophet., treats his companions. Actually, this condition applies to every tarikat anywhere.


  • Sheikh Muhammad Samman who love science and adrift heart of the religious sciences, devoted himself to God directly in the path of Sufism

  • also founded a new tarikat which is a combination of various tarikat

  • The emergence of a new tarikat that is based on some tarikat is

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Biografi Syekh Muhammad Samman

Nama lengkap beliau ialah Muhammad bin ‘Abd al-Karim al-Madani as-Syafi’i as-Samman. Pada literatur yang lain ada penambahan di belakang nama beliau menjadi Muhammad bin ‘Abd alKarim as-Samman al-Madani al-Khalwati al-Qadiri as-Syadzili as-Syafi’i Pada literatur yang lain ada penambahan di belakang nama beliau menjadi Muhammad bin ‘Abd alKarim as-Samman al-Madani al-Khalwati al-Qadiri as-Syadzili as-Syafi’i Semenjak kecilnya Syekh Muhammad Samman senang belajar agama kepada para ulama sekitar Madinah dan saat usia delapan tahun beliat telah hafal al-Qur’an. Beliau sudah menjadi guru agama pada Madrasah Sanjariyah di Madinah dan didatangi banyak murid dari negeri yang jauh.Namun begitu, beliau tetap belajar kepada para ulama di zaman itu. Guru-guru beliau yang lain seperti Muhammad Sulaiman al-Kurdi (1125-1194 H/1713-1780 M), Abu Thahir al-Kurani, ‘Abd Allah alBashri dan Musthafa bin Kamal ad-Din al-Bakri (1099-1163 H/1688-1749 M). Ada dua Syaikh Tarikat Khalwatiyah yang juga menjadi guru dari Syekh Muhammad Samman yaitu Muhammad bin Salim al-Hifnawi dan Muhammad al-Kurdi, namun pengaruh dari kedua guru ini tidak nampak pada karya-karya Syekh Muhammad Samman

Sejarah dan Perkembangan Tarikat Sammaniyah
Ajaran Tarikat Sammaniyah
Adab Murid Terhadap Guru
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