
Islam has regulated all aspect of human life, one of them is e-commerce. During the development, the criminals also increase. This is because of a lot of violence of business ethics that is not in aware of five basics principles of life; religion, soul, descendents, logics, and wealth (maqashid sharia). The aim of this research to determine the implementation of business ethics and the implementation of maqashid sharia in Bukalapak.com. This research is using qualitative approach. To study the content, the writer analyzed the collected information through some evente registered in the websites of Bukalapak.com. The conclude this research is the implementation of business ethics have been done well as applied by Rasulullah SAW, as in maqashid sharia with four protection system has been applied to protect the rights of the customers. The recommendation of this research is that all regulation should be applied well. It is also necessary to make a board to control any transaction of e-commerce as to meet the principles of sharia and the regulation. Keywords : e-commerce, Bukalapak, business ethics, maqashid sharia


  • Islam has regulated all aspect of human life

  • The aim of this research to determine the implementation of business ethics

  • the collected information through some evente registered in the websites of Bukalapak.com

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Islam telah mengatur hubungan antar manusia. Baik secara vertikal, maupun horizontal. Belum adanya keteraturan dalam sistem bisnis online ini, membuat penulis ingin mengetahui bagaimana etika bisnis yang harus dilakukan ketika menjalankan transaksi melalui online. Ada beberapa dasar yang membuat penulis memilih dasar maqashid syariah dalam penelitian etika bisnis online shop ini. Adanya beberapa peneliti terdahulu yang telah membahas etika bisnis online shop dalam perspektif Islam, membuat penulis ingin mengambil posisi penelitian berfokus pada asas maqashid syariah dalam melakukan bisnis online. Untuk penelitian terdahulu yang memiliki kaitan dengan maqashid syariah dalam jual beli, masih berada pada pembahasan secara umum dalam ilmu ekonomi islam (Juandi) dan aplikasi pada pedagang pasar secara langsung (Khoirozzadittaqwa, 2015). Berdasarkan hal tersebut, penulis akan mengamati hal-hal yang berkaitan dengan Bukalapak, seperti fitur-fitur di alamat website, produk yang ditawarkan, sistem pembayaran, dan review serta komentar pada forum Bukalapak. Keempat unsur tadi akan dikaitkan dengan kajian etika bisnis berdasarkan maqashid syariah

E-Marketing Bukalapak
Strategic Planning
Etika Bisnis
Maqashid Syariah
Implementasi Etika Bisnis
Implementasi Maqashid Syariah
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