
The male-female and male-male interactions of hybrid baboons betweenPapio anubis andP. hamadryas were analyzed quantitatively in two free-ranging groups in the Awash Valley, Ethiopia. Morphologically, one group (the Kerrayu group) was closer to hamadryas, while the other (the Gorge group) was closer to anubis. The adult males were classified into four categories; i.e., leaders of one-male units, males in pair units (both in the Kerrayu group), males with a closer appearance to hamadryas, and males with an anubis-like appearance (both in the Gorge group). These categories coincided with the morphological gradient from hamadryas to anubis. Social behavior was described in terms of 53 kinds of behavioral elements identified. In both groups, the closer a male was to being hamadryas in morphology, the more frequent was the aggressive behavior it tended to address toward partner females. The patterns of male-female interactions were compared between one-male units and pair units in the Kerrayu group. In one-male units, females responded immediately with obedient behavior to the males' behavior of directing visual attention toward them. In pair units, females responded with affinitive or avoiding behavior to physical contact by males. The flow of male social behavior was resolved into transitions from one behavioral element to another, and the succession rates for all the observed transitions were independently computed within each male category. By comparing the principal pathways of the behavioral sequences between male categories, 31 “basic pathways” were identified, which were presumed to be common to bothP. anubis andP. hamadryas. The basic pathways were composed of four main behavioral categories, i.e.,Contact, Visual-spacing, Aggressive behavior toward females, andAppeasing behavior toward males. In one-male units, transitions fromVisual-spacing toAggressive behavior were clearly recognized, whereas the principal pathways in pair units lacked such transitions. The frequency distributions of behavioral elements among the above behavioral categories were compared among the four male categories. The more prevalent anubis characters were in morphology, the larger was the proportion thatContact behavior occupied in the total amount of social behavior. The more prevalent hamadryas characters were, the larger was the proportion thatVisual-spacing behavior occupied. The leaders of one-male units showed a higher percentage ofAggressive behavior than did males of the other three categories. A conspicuous difference was observed in the percentage ofAppeasing behavior between the Gorge and Kerrayu groups. It appeared that the high frequency ofAppeasing behavior among males in the Kerrayu group contributed to the spatial cohesion of this group. The similarities of morphology, principal pathways, and frequency distribution of behavior were calculated for every combination of the four male categories. The morphological similarities correlated best with the similarities of principal pathways. It is concluded that the sequential structure of the male social behavior was strongly correlated with the genetic background, while the frequency of social behavior itself was subject to factors other than innate behavioral tendencies, such as the characteristics of the social environment and social context.

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