
Traditional veterinary knowledge like all other traditional knowledge systems is handed down orally from generation to generation and used in most African countries it may disappear. In the two last decade, many studies especially in developing countries were undertaken to save it. For the purpose of contribute to traditional knowledge save, an inventory of medicinal plants used as anthelmintic especially in livestock helminthes control in West and Central Africa was done. Fifty eight (58) medicinal plants species belonging 33 families were mentioned as used to treat helminthosis of livestock. Families from Combretaceae (6species), Rubiaceae (4species), Euphorbiaceae (3species), Mimosaceae (4species) Caecalpiniaceae (7species), Moraceae (3species), Meliaceae (4 species) were the most representative. Also species such as Bridelia ferruginea (2 citation), Combretum glutinosum, Mitragyna inermis, Xanthoxylumzanthoxyloides, Vernonia amygdalina, Securidacalonge pedunculata, Maytenus senegalens, Khaya senegalensis, Daniellia oliveri, Chenopodium ambrosioides, Carica papaya, Anogeissus leiocarpus, Piliostigma reticulatum. This study has showed that African flora was various and rich into anthelmintic plants which could be used to replace with synthetic drugs.

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