
The communication deals with enumeration of plant species used by tribals and rural people residing in the vicinity of Mukundara ranges, Jhalawar district (S.E. Rajasthan), as hebral medicine for Guinea worm (Naaru) disease. This disease is very common in tribal and rural areas of South East Rajasthan, and is communicated through contaminated water. The 12 plant species, along with their plant parts used are - Arisaema tortuosum (Tuber), Aristolochia bracteolata (Root), Blumea lacera (leaf), Calotropis procera (Root), Cleome viscosa (leaf), Ferula asafoetida (Oleoresin Root), Hemiadelphis polyspermus (Root), Piper betel (leaf), Psoralea corylifolia (Seed), Pueraria tuberosa (Root), and Ricunus communis(Root). Enumeration contains, Plant's name, Family, Local name, Voucher specimen and Phenology along with brief notes on preparation of plant drug, the plant part used, amount and periodicity of dosage given.Brief notes on causal organism Dracunculus medinensis (Guinea worm) also given along with etiology, symptoms and mode of infection.

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