
Mehedinţi County impresses with the specificity of its traditions, with its heritage that speaks of a time of peace and order, through a horizon full of special symbolism. The study is organized on two coordinates with the intention of briefly presenting the issues addressed. , On the one hand, the elements of ethnography of traditional housing will be analyzed, on the other hand, it is intended to present some aspects of authentic Romanian spirituality manifested in the area of Mehedinţi, that of the local ‘nedei’. Regarding the ethnographic aspects of the traditional house, an attempt will be made to create a typology of houses with vernacular architecture in Mehedinți County, as well as to mention their conservation and restoration actions in the conditions of contemporary research. Among the calendar customs specific to the area, the most spectacular are the ‘nedeile’, because they represent the meeting between an ancient pre-Christian substratum with certain holidays and / or church feasts, i. e. with the Christian religion. The distinction between fairs and ‘nedeile’ will be discussed extensively, bringing arguments selected from specialized bibliography. At the same time, the important role of the ‘Iron Gates’ Museum from Drobeta Turnu Severin will be mentioned in the conservation and patrimonialization of the material and immaterial culture specific to the Mehedinți ethnographic region.


  • Cuinţei tradiţionale, se va încerca realizarea unei tipologii vernacular architecture and ‘nedeia’ celebrations a caselor cu arhitectură vernaculară din județul Mehedinți, Mehedinţi County impresses with the specificity of its precum și menționarea unor acțiuni de conservare și resta- traditions, with its heritage that speaks of a time of peace urare a acestora în condițiile cercetărilor contemporane. and order, through a horizon full of special symbolism

  • Reodată se va menționa rolul important al Muzeului „Porțile garding the ethnographic aspects of the traditional house, de Fier” din Drobeta Turnu Severin în conservarea și patri- an attempt will be made to create a typology of houses with monializarea culturii materiale, dar și imateriale specifică vernacular architecture in Mehedinți County, as well as to regiunii etnografice Mehedinți

  • Tipologia caselor tradiționale, târguri, dar customs specific to the area, the most spectacular are nedei

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Cuinţei tradiţionale, se va încerca realizarea unei tipologii vernacular architecture and ‘nedeia’ celebrations a caselor cu arhitectură vernaculară din județul Mehedinți,. În partea sudică a judeţului, în zona de câmpie, dat fiind pronunţatul caracter cerealier, construcţiile anexe, în special cele pentru depozitarea produselor agricole şi utilajelor, sunt de dimensiuni mai mari.

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