
Scientific views on the processes of constructing ethnocultural self-identification in culturological discourse are researched and systematized. The concept of "ethnocultural self-identification" is specified, the basic conceptual approaches to research of ethnocultural self-identification are considered and analyzed. It is revealed that ethnocultural self-identification is determined by a complex set of factors: historical, social, economic, political, psychological and cultural. In modern culturological discourse, ethnocultural self-identification is seen mainly as the search for and discovery of traditional values in the context of everyday space. Despite the differences in the modern scientific dimension of approaches to the problem of ethnocultural self-identification, most researchers agree that this phenomenon is a complex process of identification with a particular ethnocultural group, assimilation of personality to a particular image, which occurs as an individual part of it and experiencing one's own devotion to it, not autonomously, but together with other processes of human activity (social, labor, political), in the process of communication and the context of everyday behavior. Constantly comparing their own actions and deeds with the norms and patterns of a particular ethnocultural group, the individual positions them as standards, criteria of behavior, self-reflection.The author concludes that ethnocultural self-identification is one of the most important human values, because fixing the unity of individual interests with the interests of its ethnic community ensures self-preservation as a person and as an individual, contributes to the needs of self-affirmation and self-expression

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