
In the country the ethnic diversity leads to the need for specialists that have competence for cooperation with representatives of various national and cultural groups. It manifests itself in a set of objective ideas and knowledge about a particular ethnic culture. This competence is implemented through the development of all the skills, habits, and behavior patterns that contribute to effective interethnic understanding and interaction. Psychologists should be competent in interethnic interactions when working with clients. The study presents the analysis of scientific literature, review of the media, generalization of advanced pedagogical experience of the ethno-cultural competence formation of teachers and psychologists in the field of secondary and higher education. The article clarifies the basic notions of “competence” and “ethno-cultural competence”. The required professional competences of a psychologist are analyzed. The methods of ethno-cultural competence formation of university students are allocated. In the course of the study the basic concepts of the topic were clarified, and the methods of students’ ethno-cultural competence formation were singled out. Here the restriction of the study must be noted: students are trained in the field of “Psychological and Pedagogical Education”. Ethno-cultural competence is characterized by the willingness and ability of a person to adhere to ethno-cultural traditions; by the possession of the ethnospecific skills of his/ her people; by the readiness to study various ethnical cultures in order to establish a comfortable existence in a multi-ethnic environment. The formation of ethno-cultural competence presupposes students’ involvement in the dialogue between different nationalities and cultures.

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