
Jamu is an herbal drink made from various types of medicinal plants. Jamu is very popular in Indonesia, especially for Javanese people. This herbal drink is considered a natural healthy drink to treat diseases and keep the body healthy if consumed continuously. This study explores about knowledge of jamu and medicinal plants consumed daily by consumers of the Jamu Ngadirgo in Semarang. In this study, the authors used qualitative research methods. Data were collected by using observation and interview technique. There were 21 informants who are also consumers of Jamu Ngadirgo who participated in this research. In this study, there were eight types of jamu that are commonly consumed daily by consumers. The types of jamu Ngadirgo Semarang are cabe puyang, kunir asem, beras kencur, temulawak, pahitan, surih/sirih, kunir kentel, and wejahan. There are 13 species of medicinal plants from 8 families used as ingredients to make jamu, as well as two non-plant ingredients that were mixed. However, the consumers could only mention 8 of 13 species of medicinal plants commonly used in herbal medicine. They are cabai jawa, kencur, kunyit, temulawak, asam jawa, brotowali, sambiroto, and sirih. Some parts of plants as medicinal ingredients consist of roots, leaves and rhizomes. Non-plant ingredients that are mixed in making herbal medicine are palm sugar and salt.

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