
The article contains a review of the monograph of Doctor of Philology V. G. Kulpina “Linguistic Color Theory: From History to Modernity of Coloristic Conceptual Spheres” (Moscow : MAKS Press, 2019. -228pp.). The monograph accumulates the results of many years of fruitful research of the author which have facilitated the swift development of linguistics of color as a separate scientific paradigm and which have become a theoretico - methodological foundation of many dissertations. The monograph consists of an introduction (entitled “Lexicographic description of the historical conceptosphere of color terms in linguocognitive perspective”), three chapters (“Systemic - historical analysis of color names”, “Civilizational aspects of color names” and “Pioneer research in linguistic theory of color”) and a conclusion. The author explores the linguistic issues of the genesis of the system of color and light names in Russian and Polish revealing the linguoethnic specificity in the history of formation of Russian and Polish coloristic worldviews. Characterizing the evolutionary processes in Russian and Polish color nomination on a vast factual material of a comparative research, the monograph author substantiates the conception of lexicographic representation of color terms as concepts with a complex structure and presents a unique lexicographic description of the most urgent and relevant Russian and Polish color terms. The study focuses of a broad range of issues significant for the theory and practice of linguistics of color which include: the nature of evolutionary processes in Russian and Polish color nomination; functional, derivational and axiological potential of color names; specificity of the coloristic representation of the world of artifacts of the Russian and Polish linguocultures; and evolutionary transformations of the concept “light”.

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