
The paper is devoted to the problems of regional ethno-cultural education. The ethnopolitical, multicultural situation on the territory of Samara and the Samara Region largely coincides with the general socio-economic trends taking place in Russia, which gives reason to consider the region as a region where important ethnopolitical processes are taking place. The educational environment is becoming more polyethnic and requires attention to the issues of ethno-cultural and multicultural education of students. Based on the conducted field research, the paper actualizes the issue of interaction between school and family in the processes of ethnic inculturation and all-Russian socialization of the childs personality. The ethno-cultural socialization of the child takes place in the family, and it is important for the teacher to provide professional support to parents in integrating students into the culture of their community, in forming a positive identity in combination with the all-Russian identity, a sense of personal responsibility for preserving the cultural and historical memory of their people. Ethnic tolerance is high in those schools where the process of ethno-cultural education is carried out within the framework of a well-thought-out multi-stage system of interaction with the parent community. The anthropological approach, therefore, studies the meeting of education with traditional culture and actualizes the issues of ethnoculturality-multiculturality of the modern educational process.

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