
Introduction - frontiers, peripheries and ethnic relations in Israel, Avinoam Meir and Oren Yiftachel. Part 1 Frontiers, peripheries and Palestinian Arabs: Arab industrial frontiers - sales linkages and spatial integration, Itzhak Schnell living along the seam - Israeli Palestinians in Jerusalem, Alex Weingrod and Adel Manna minority higher education in an ethnic periphery - the bedouin Arabs, Isma'il Abu Sa'ad the internal frontier - the territorial control of Arab villages, O. Yiftachel. Part 2 Frontiers, peripheries and Jewish ethnicities: from frontier to periphery - the representation of frontiers in Israeli cultures, Shlomo Hasson who to the frontier? - changing Israeli dispersal policies, Amiram Gonen differences in population growth and migration patterns in Israel's development towns, Gabriel Lipshitz planning for the Ethiopian Jews in the Negev, Israel - issues of ethnicity and citizen identity, Tovi Fenster peripheral ethnicity - trends in local representation, Lev Grinberg. Part 3 Frontiers, peripheries and the landscapes of Arab-Jewish encounters: transforming frontiers of conflict into frontiers of peace, David Newman sociocultural encounters in the frontier - Jewish settlers and bedouin nomads in the Negev, Avinoam Meir and Ze'ev Zivan an acre is an acre is an acre? - differentiated attitudes to social space and territory on the Jewish-Arab urban frontier in Israel, Dan Rabinowitz ethnic exclusionism in the periphery - the case of Mizrachi Jews in Israel's development towns, Yoav Peled.

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