
Aim. The study was designed to reveal ethnic differences in percutaneous coronary interventions according to data of the “Register of the performed operations of transluminal balloon coronary angioplasty.”Methods. Three thousand one hundred and six patients were selected from the list of the Register and divided in five ethnic groups: Russians (n = 2,777), Tatars (n = 130), Ukrainians (n = 126), Azerbaijani (n = 44) and Armenians (n = 29). Intergroup comparison of clinical and functional parameters, as well as transluminal balloon coronary angioplasty results, was carried out.Results. Significant intergroup differences were observed in gender and age of the patients: groups of Russians and Tatars had the smallest proportion of men as compared with Ukrainians and Azerbaijani (83.5% and 83.1% vs 94.4% and 97.7%, respectively; р<0.01), the youngest group was that of Azerbaijani with mean age 49.25±7.4 years. The prevalence of smoking in the Azerbaijani group was significantly higher than among Russians (54.3% vs 39.5%; р<0.05). Alcohol intake was significantly different between the groups of Armenians and Russians (46.4% vs 25.1%; р<0.05). Armenians as compared to Tatars more rarely had severe functional classes of effort angina (class III–IV 25.0% vs 59.6%; р<0.05) and arterial hypertension was diagnosed less frequently when compared with Russians, Tatars and Ukrainians (57.9% vs 82.7%, 78.3% and 84.3%, respectively; р<0.01). Diabetes mellitus was more often detected in the group of Azerbaijanis as compared to others. Analysis of angiographic parameters showed more frequent hemodynamically significant lesions of the circumflex branch in Armenian patients compared to Russians and Ukrainians (50.0% vs 32.0% and 29.9%, respectively; р<0.05). There were no significant differences among the groups in other angiographic parameters. No significant intergroup differences were detected in the results of intracoronary intervention and the number of in-hospital complications. Conclusion. When comparing ethnic groups according to the “Register of the performed operations of transluminal balloon coronary angioplasty”, no significant differences were detected in frequency, features and outcomes of percutaneous coronary interventions. Comparison of clinical and functional parameters showed that the Azerbaijanis group looked least favorable due to a higher prevalence of some risk factors, despite their younger age.Received 19 December 2017. Revised 19 February 2018. Accepted 12 March 2018.Funding: The study did not have sponsorship.Conflict of interest: Authors declare no conflict of interest.


  • Выявить этнические особенности при чрескожных коронарных вмешательствах по данным «Регистра проведенных операций траслюминальной баллонной коронарной ангиопластики»

  • six patients were selected from the list of the Register

  • Significant intergroup differences were observed in gender and age of the patients

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Выявить этнические особенности при чрескожных коронарных вмешательствах по данным «Регистра проведенных операций траслюминальной баллонной коронарной ангиопластики». В исследование включены 3 106 пациентов из «Регистра проведенных операций траслюминальной баллонной коронарной ангиопластики» и сформированы 5 этнических групп: русские (n = 2 777), татары (n = 130), украинцы (n = 126), азербайджанцы (n = 44) и армяне (n = 29). При сравнении этнических групп по данным «Регистра проведенных операций траслюминальной баллонной коронарной ангиопластики» не выявлено достоверных различий в частоте, особенностях и результатах чрескожных коронарных вмешательств. Этнические особенности при чрескожных коронарных вмешательствах по данным «Регистра проведенных операций траслюминальной баллонной коронарной ангиопластики». Однако в отечественной литературе существуют немногочисленные данные о взаимосвязи национальных особенностей и результатов ЧКВ [6], поэтому целью нашего исследования было выявить этнические особенности при ЧКВ по данным «Регистра проведенных операций траслюминальной баллонной коронарной ангиопластики» (ТБКА) [7]. Индексировали линейные эхо­кардиографические показатели и массу миокарда, рассчитанную по формуле Деверо [9], к площади поверхности тела

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