
Contents - 8[-]Introduction - 10[-]Ethnic expression on the Early Iron Age and early Archaic Greek mainland. Where should we be looking? - 20[-]The Ionians in the Archaic period. Shifting identities in a changing world - 46[-]From Athenian identity to European ethnicity - the cultural biography of the myth of Marathon - 94[-]Multi-ethnicity and ethnic segregation in Hellenistic Babylon - 110[-]The Galatians in the Roman Empire: historical tradition and ethnic identity in Hellenistic and Roman Asia Minor - 126[-]Material culture and plural identity in early Roman Southern Italy - 154[-]Foundation myths in Roman Palestine. Traditions and reworkings - 176[-]Ethnic discourses on the frontiers of Roman Africa - 198[-]Cruptorix and his kind. Talking ethnicity on the middle ground - 216[-]Hercules and the construction of a Batavian identity in the context of the Roman empire - 228[-]Ethnic identity in the Roman frontier. The epigraphy of Batavi and other Lower Rhine tribes - 248[-]Grave goods, ethnicity, and the rhetoric of burial rites in Late Antique Northern Gaul - 292[-]The early-medieval use of ethnic names from classical antiquity. The case of the Frisians - 330[-]Index of names and places - 348[-]List of contributors - 352

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