
The term land has a very complex concept. It is this reason that some people called it as a double Dutch language. The demand for land stock derives first from the need for agricultural goods and housing, which is essentially a demand for land services. Many well known writers who were live at different times and place had described the importance of land very well. This is why, many countries and governments decide as the land to be as government property. It is this true that the government of Ethiopia publicized the urban land is the state property by declaring through the proclamation of 721/2011 Urban land policy. When we came to its implementation, however, may not as good as it was expected. Such as: setting price, affordability systems, monitoring and controlling mechanisms, etc. So, as a researcher, I want to deal with this situation by comparing the implementation practice and the policy sayings. This study had employed qualitative research design; internet based data collection mechanism; qualitative or word mouth method of analysis. I finally, by this study after all got results like: there are different experiences which are practiced by different countries; there are differences in designing, tenure admitting and holding system, price specification and land and property ,market system, as well as implementations of urban land lease policy among countries; though, there is no one consensus on the government or state ownership on urban land tenure type in the Ethiopian context, perhaps especially in the Addis Ababa Context; it is based on different and very crucial assumptions which have legal, social, and economic rationales in adopting the current Ethiopian Urban land lease policy; etc. standing from these findings, I recommends that: I can say or recommend that the urban land lease policy is the best and likely be pretty policy choices of cities like it what happen to the current situation in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. In addition to that, I would likely recommend as it is better or pretty good for governments or for countries themselves if and only if they can follow or adopted the land lease policy tenure system than other tenure types, perhaps especially from the private tenure land policy type.

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