
<p>《莊子.人間世》述及「就不欲入,和不欲出」一段,俱備「倫理學」的探討價值,相較於儒家的倫理觀,《莊子》於人間秩序的行為依據乃根據於其形上本體的和諧意涵,而非自經驗範疇制定一套名言體制而為人所把握,換言之,自禮樂制度的反省中,《莊子》於兩難視域中另立一套價值依據,意即藉由兩行的「為一」思想而消彌彼我成心立場,進而達致物我相諧,共成一天的存在理境。</p> <p> </p><p>In the treatise Renjianshi, Zhuangzi introduced the passage ""jiu bu-yu ru, he bu-yu chu"" (while seeking to keep near to him, do not enter into his pursuits; while cultivating a harmony of mind with him, do not show how superior you are to him) that touches upon a question interesting to examine from an ethics perspective. Compared to the general Confucianist point of view, the basis of action in the human domain as expounded in the treatise is based on metaphysical-ontological harmony and not empirically determined by a system of nominal designations subject to artificial manipulation. In other words, the treatise seems to be navigating a conundrum by creating a reflectionist value system that is separate from but also responding to the ritual-musical order. The reflectionist notion can be described as entrenched in the ""wei-yi"" (being one) concept embodied in the ""liang-hang"" (parallel ways) approach, which leads to eradication of any self-other binaries and achieves object-subject harmony. The state of being can then be understood as gong-cheng-yi-tian (joined into one heaven).</p> <p> </p>

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