
Ethical problems have always been present in scientific publications. Since the founding of medical journals, in the XIX Century, until today they are a source of concern because one main purpose of medical scientific publications is to add new, reliable information that could guide or modify medical decisions and public health policies. Since 1997, Revista Médica de Chile has published several articles clarifying this situation and emphasizing the need to avoid ethical misbehavior. The present review reminds that the main sources of information dealing with publication ethics appear in the web sites of ICMJE, COPE and WAME. Misconduct have been detected in Revista Médica de Chile in a few cases of redundant publications, plagiarism, lack of recognition of conflicts of interest mainly with pharmaceutical companies, and one attempt of forging the publication of an article that had been previously rejected. In handling situations identified as ethical misbehavior, the editors of this journal have successfully followed rules established by COPE. This article reviews and reinforces recommendations to avoid ethical misbehavior in biomedical research and in manuscripts submitted for publication.


  • Ethical problems have always been present in scientific publications

  • until today they are a source of concern because one main purpose

  • The present review reminds that the main sources of information dealing with publication ethics appear in the web sites

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Ethical problems in scientific publications

Ethical problems have always been present in scientific publications. Since the founding of medical journals, in the XIX Century, until today they are a source of concern because one main purpose of medical scientific publications is to add new, reliable information that could guide or modify medical decisions and public health policies. El presente artículo se basa en una conferencia dictada en la Academia Chilena de Medicina[2], reiterando aquí algunos aspectos claves en la ética de las publicaciones científicas y enlistando artículos en la Revista Médica de Chile que ilustran el interés de los autores y los editores por difundir el tema[3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17]. Las transgresiones a la ética científica son motivo de preocupación internacional por el daño que pueden ocasionar en el avance de los conocimientos científicos y en el ejercicio profesional médico. Aunque al término de la investigación respectiva no todas resultaron ser fraudes, dan una imagen de la magnitud que pueden tener los delitos científicos

Ética de las publicaciones científicas y su importancia en medicina
Requisitos éticos en las publicaciones médicas
Ejemplos de aspectos éticos que suelen ocasionar problemas
Comentarios finales
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