
The Reagan Administration has proagement. Taken together, these trends issues. It is not always easy to work with claimed a decentralized approach to social seem to be pushing [voluntary agencies] volunteers, and occasionally tensions arise service delivery,1 and one of the rallying farther and farther from their roots and between paid and volunteer staff, cries has been Go back to the voluntary their basic distinguishing characteristics.8 A 1977 NASW Policy Statement ad In a speech to the National AliiGiven these trends and the competition dressed volunteer management: Volun ance of business, Reagan explained that between sectors, administrators in volteers should not supplant or decrease the volunteering is an essential part of our untary agencies may encounter numerous need for suitably qualified regularly em plan to give the government back to the ethical issues. TWo examples follow: ployed staff. The statement also pre people.2 This appeal may warm the sented guidelines for written policies.9 heartstrings of the American public; even A social work director of a churchThis statement is not limited to the volun social workers, at first, may feel compelled related retirement community found tary agency, however, as volunteers are to turn a watchful eye to the voluntary that although the agency bore the also found in public settings. It is possible, sector. After all, was not social work church's name, the parent religious however, that the voluntary agency has spawned out of the voluntary womb and body had no intention of backing the an edge on ^e volunteer pool. Thus, nurtured by the Judeo-Christian tradition? organization financially or legally. She some organizations were begun by a vol Langston has explained, however, that ,was aware thât elderly residents beuntary association (for example, by the this new emphasis involves an entirely beved they were safe because of the presbyterian Church, the Gray Panthers,

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