
Ethical behaviour in sociological research is a basic principle of obtaining high ̶quality results from such activities; this issue is especially relevant for ethnographic research, where the problems of observance of human rights, in particular, freedom of speech and protection of personal data, are key factors in the fight against the continuous “technologization” of modern society and the devaluation of integrity. The study aims to develop recommendations for the correct behaviour of all participants involved in collaborative ethnographic research in Europe by considering the basic principles and aspects of interaction in this field of sociological research. The main methods used include comparative and historical, which helped to identify the key features and trends in the development of ethnographic research in the time dimension; systematic and analytical, which helped to identify the basic principles of ethical behaviour in the process of scientific research. The concepts of research in the field of ethnography and the ethical component in the process of such research are explained, and the ambiguity of generally accepted definitions is emphasised. The essence, content and characteristic features of ethnographic research and the principles of ethical behaviour in it are defined; the key problems and controversial issues of this field of research are emphasised. The historical development of this field of scientific activity in the context of fieldwork in the European region is considered, and several important examples of ethnographic research in the past are described. Based on the studied positive and negative international experience and on the analysis of the results of scientific research of several expeditions, general recommendations for the ethical component of ethnographic research are presented. The results and conclusions of the work can be used for further activities on this topic, in particular, in the context of providing practical recommendations for organising and conducting sociological research in the fields of ethnography, anthropology, etc. in different regions of the world

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