
The management of elderly patients with dementia and COVID-19 infections without access to an intensive care unit gives rise to serious ethical conflicts. Therapeutic decisions have been made in psychogeriatric units, leaving a heavy moral burden on staff. They had to deal with the most difficult patients without the support of appropriate guidelines. The gap between established rules and hospital reality led to psychological distress and burnout. Managing uncertainty in medical decisions is a skill that doctors and staff learn through experience. However, with the COVID-19 pandemic, uncertainty about patient outcomes seems no longer acceptable. Geriatric triage has challenged professional conscience, emotions and values. The principle of distributive justice, which consists of giving each person in society what is rightfully his or hers, is not being respected during this pandemic. Charity has been reduced to patient survival. Staffs need to make decisions together, and it is important to allow all carers access to a space for reflection. In our unit, the involvement of nurses and care assistants in the decision-making process for patient care is crucial especially for refusal of care. Their view of the patient's condition is different from that of the doctors, as they provide daily care to the patient and stay in the wards for several hours with them. By including as many people as possible in the reflection, we could avoid moral or personal prejudices related to these difficult decisions. The current pandemic can give new meaning to team thinking, giving everyone a voice without hierarchical barriers. With these new waves of COVID-19, we need to rethink our therapeutic conduct for elderly patients with dementia to avoid ethical failure.

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