
The relevance of the chosen topic is due to the need to resolve ethical problems that arise in the framework of legal regulation of genome-wide sequencing in Russia and foreign countries. The purpose of this research is to form ethical principles that should become a reference point for law - making in this area. In order to achieve this goal, we have solved the tasks of studying the normative legal acts of Russia and a number of foreign countries from an ethical point of view. General scientific, private scientific and special methods of scientific knowledge (system-structural, formal-legal) are used. In order to comply with the ethical boundaries of legal regulation, to store access and protect full-genome sequencing data in Russia and foreign countries, it is proposed to develop a set of restrictions that prevent possible discrimination on genetic grounds, to create the necessary conditions for the inadmissibility of disclosure of personalized data, disclosure of information about a genetic disease to the subject and his relatives, as well as the boundaries of editing the genome of a human embryo. For the first time, the authors substantiate the need to establish clear ethical boundaries in the implementation of genome-wide sequencing in Russia based on foreign experience.

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