
This chapter—a real-life case—tells the story about a mid-sized industrial company’s CEO who initially did not see the advantage of AI. He is challenged by the AI evangelist Florian Schild, cofounder of the German Federal Association for Artificial Intelligence and cofounder of boot.AI. Not only does the CEO learn from a test setting that even with minimal data (it does not always have to be just big data) you can increase efficiency through the use of AI technology, he also makes a tough call by NOT laying off redundant workers … New options for ethical business decisions that emerge from AI technology are shown. Therefore, societal implications of technology are reflected in a historical context. With an inductive approach it is demonstrated how ethical sound solution can be found in applying AI technologies that respects non-technical limitations. It requires to address the consequences (AI-based) automation has on society, as more and more people tend and need to go for cognitive jobs based on academic education.

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