
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is expected to play a significant transformative role for a better society and collective well-being in line with the goals of the 2030 Agenda UN. To drive social innovation, AI must be built on ethical principles and human-centred values. The link between AI, ethics, and social innovation is quite unexplored in the literature and has never been more relevant as European countries develop national plans for post-pandemic recovery. In Italy, the Plan for Recovery and Resilience (PNRR) identifies AI as a strategic asset for investment in all sectors to support the country's transition to a more digital and sustainable economy and an inclusive society. This paper explains the role of ethical AI in the context of ecological and digital transformation, which is at the heart of the Italian Recovery Plan - Next Generation EU for Italy. It expands knowledge on the transformative role of AI in management studies; it provides highlights to policy makers for the development of socially oriented AI from a service ecosystem perspective.

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