
1. The ether narcosis of five to seven hours' duration produces necessarily hyperglycaemia on normal and not fastened rabbits. The degree of hyperglycaemia depends upon the depth of narcosis. In cases of shallow narcosis, where muscle tone, pain sensitiveness and corneal reflex still existed clearly, the maximal blood sugar contents were 0.16-0.26%; in cases of deep narcosis, where these signs disappeared completely or nearly, the maximal blood sugar contents were 0.25-0.45%. The maximal points of the blood sugar content were reached in three to seven hours after beginning of etherization. Glycosuria occured in most cases; its severeness depended in general on the degree of hyperglycaemia (0.11-17%). After discontinuance of etherization the blood sugar increased slightly for a short time in many cases, but began sooner or later to decrease and returned in about five hours to its initial value. The chromaffine substance in adrenal glands reduced more or less by ether narcosis in nearly all cases, but never disappeared completely by ether narcosis of five to seven hours' duration. The body temperature fell and frequency of the respiration diminished. 2. The ether narcosis on normal rabbits with precaution against fall of the body temperature induced also hyperglycaemia of quite the same degree as on normal rabbits, contrary to “Fesselungsdiabetes.” Ether glycosuria diminished more or less by protection against fall of the body temperature. The course of hyperglycaemia and glycosuria during and after discontinuance of etherization was quite the same as on normal rabbits without the precautions. Reduction of chromaffine substance in adrenals was somewhat greater than on the parallel experiments. Frequency of respiration increased and half the number of the rabbits died. 3. Ether hyperglycaemia and glycosuria were produced on rabbits with bilateral splanchnectomy, though not greatly. The increase of the blood sugar content was 0.02-0.15%. Its degree depended upon the depth of narcosis. Chromaffine substance in adrenal glands did not reduce. Fall of the body temperature was as on normal rabbits. The ether narcosis on rabbits with bilateral splanchnectomy under precautions against fall of the body temperature induced also hyperglycaemia of quite the same degree on the similarly operated rabbits without protection against fall of the body temperature. Glycosuria diminished more or less. In most cases no change in the chromaffine substance content in adrenals. 4. Ether hyperglycaemia and glycosuria were produced on rabbits with unilateral splanchnectomy nearly the same as on normal rabbits. Ether hyperglycaemia and glycosuria on rabbits with unilateral splanchnectomy are quite the same as those on normal rabbits. In cases of shallow narcosis, maximal blood sugar contents were up to about 0.2%; no glycosuria. In cases of deep narcosis, they were 0.3-0.4% and more, and glycosuria occured also. Chromaffine substance in the adrenal gland on the side with the intact splanchnic nerve was reduced, while it never happened in the adrenal gland on the side with splanchnectomy. Quantity of the urine, frequency of respiration, fall of the body temperature and paradoxical pupillary reaction were as on normal rabbits.

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