
The theoretical description of quantum dynamics in an intriguing way does not necessarily imply the underlying dynamics is indeed intriguing. Here we show how a known very interesting master equation with an always negative decay rate [eternal non-Markovianity (ENM)] arises from simple stochastic Schrödinger dynamics (random unitary dynamics). Equivalently, it may be seen as arising from a mixture of Markov (semi-group) open system dynamics. Both these approaches lead to a more general family of CPT maps, characterized by a point within a parameter triangle. Our results show how ENM quantum dynamics can be realised easily in the laboratory. Moreover, we find a quantum time-continuously measured (quantum trajectory) realisation of the dynamics of the ENM master equation based on unitary transformations and projective measurements in an extended Hilbert space, guided by a classical Markov process. Furthermore, a Gorini-Kossakowski-Sudarshan-Lindblad (GKSL) representation of the dynamics in an extended Hilbert space can be found, with a remarkable property: there is no dynamics in the ancilla state. Finally, analogous constructions for two qubits extend these results from non-CP-divisible to non-P-divisible dynamics.


  • A realistic modelling of many quantum phenomena inevitably needs to take into account the interaction of our system of interest with environmental degrees of freedom

  • In some cases of interest, the open system dynamics may be written in terms of a time-local master equation involving time-dependent functions as prefactors with otherwise GKSL form

  • Either there is no dynamical environment at all, the dynamics can be realised by a classical Markov process or, when embedded in a larger Hilbert space, there is no dynamics of the environmental state

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Markov dephasing dynamics

With σα|±α〉 = ±|±α〉, Eq (9) leaves the populations 〈+α|ρ(t)|+α〉 and 〈−α|ρ(t)|−α〉 constant, the coherences 〈+α|ρ(t)|−α〉, 〈−α|ρ(t)|+α〉, decay with a factor e−2t. Since this CPT map is unital, the dynamics is of random unitary or random external field type[49,50,51,52,53]. A physical realisation of Eq (9) for pure initial states is obtained from a fluctuating field ξ(t) driving the unitary Schrödinger dynamics: i∂t ψ(t) = ξ(t)σα ψ(t). If ξ(t) represents Gaussian real white noise with 〈〈ξ(t)〉〉ξ = 0 and 〈〈ξ(t)ξ(s)〉〉ξ = δ(t − s), the noise-averaged state ρ(t) = 〈〈|ψ(t)〉〈ψ(t)|〉〉ξ is a solution of (9) (see Supplementary Information).

Mixture of Markov dephasing dynamics
Memory kernel master equation
Classical Markov process representation of dynamics
The solution
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