
"The lexical filiation periphrases, inserted right after the personal name (usually baptize name, very seldom personal surname) occur in internal and both external documents, after several decades of the exclusive use of the single name (nomen singulare). These types of periphrases could be found in documents coming all over the romance chancelleries, therefore this denominative practice must have been widely spread at a certain historical stage. Soon after the occurence of the patronimic (by eliminating the relational noun (filius or proles) from the latin filiation periphrases), these lexical kinds of denomination are to be used especially in legal contexts, indicating thus the relation with the head of the family in certain situations. As for Romanian at the moment of the first intern texts were released, one can notice the use of the lexical filiation in all three chancelleries but not as an exclusively mean of naming. As a certain particularity we are to mention the use of filiation in the official denomination of the Wallachian ruler, probable a trace of a Byzantine influence. Regarding the occurrence of filiation periphrases within the internal documents these are used especially in judicial contexts and in legal texts, but not as a unique way of naming. On the contrary, one can notice the alternative use of all the ways of naming (surnames, agent names, toponymical references a.s.o.)."

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