
This study identifies individual’s motivations for volunteering to work at a Foundation in Paraiba, Brazil. It does not draw any conclusions regarding those motivations; for instance, the reasons for volunteer turnover, or the effective benefits that prompt individuals to volunteer in the Brazilian context. This is a longitudinal study, with data collection at two separate times, over two years. The goals of the study are to reduce differences of the motivations of volunteers in Brazil, and to support the managers in general who interact with volunteers through the recruitment of new applications. The data collection was based on a model that is validated in the national context, and was based on the main factors: altruistic values, social justice, affiliation, learning opportunity, and selfish values. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistical methods, ANOVA, the Student’s t Test for independent samples, and correlations (bivariate). Altruistic motivations, the search for social justice, and learning opportunity are indicated were the aspects most frequently mentioned in the surveys. Significantly, an inverse relation occurs with the variables “age” and “selfish profile”.

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