
The present work was prepared in Santa Maria region, southernBrazil, Rio Grande do Sul State. It presents one study to evaluate thebehavior of magnetic field in function of different geologic rocks presentin the region and their spatial behavior in function of the UniversalTransverse Mercator coordinates system (UTM). With the employ ofsoftware Statistica 7.1 were analyzed the data set of original work executedby Geological Survey of Brazil/Companhia de Pesquisas de Recursos Mineraisnamed Camaqua Project. Where were tested the relationship withsedimentary formations belonged to Depressao Central do Rio Grande doSul and/or volcanic rocks belonged to Planalto da Serra Geral at ParanaBasin border and uranium concentration. The statistics estimated were:the mean, the standard error, and the trust limits for each kind of geologicalunits. In order to compare the mean values was used the Tukey’s Test. Theresults were able to conclude that the Rio do Rasto Formation don’t showsignificant difference only in the mean contrast with the BotucatuFormation. The means of the Depositos Aluvionares and Grupo Rosario doSul don’t show significant difference in contrast with to urban zone mean,but are different between then. The mean of Serra Geral Formation wasdifferent of the Botucatu Formation mean. Inside this context was possibleto define characteristic values from magnetic field and their trust ranges infunction to geologic units. The magnetic field when evaluated in relationto geographic coordinates using one Geographic Information Systempresented a regional gradient to north, where is located the low magneticof Earth.

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