
Comparative research in versology. The place of comparative literature in Slovak literary studies from the 1960s. Mikuláš Bakoš’s inspiration by the model of historical poetics in his writing on the Slovak verse in the late 1930s. The influence of Russian formalism and Czech structuralism (J. Mukařovský, J. Levý). The focus on the stylistic and typological aspect in verse analysis. The effort towards the symbiosis of the structuraldevelopmental and the traditional historical-critical approaches. The inspiration by Jozef Felix’s emphasis on the universal message of the finest French and world literature for the development of Slovak literature. The contribution of the theory of literary communication for the analysis of Slovak reception of translations from Russian literature (A. Popovič). The re-evaluation of the term “influence” on the basis of a dialectical understanding of the roles of comparative literature (D. Ďurišin). The aspect of the developmental progress of national literatures. The central role of poetic rhythm through the specific application of metric accent in comparing Slovak verse with French and Spanish verse (L. Franek). The meaning of comparative study of poetry in symbiosis with objective-normative and subjective-critical criteria in relation to aesthetic level of translations. The unity of theoretical and empirical research as a reliable instrument in contemporary search for literary and cultural identity of nations (Slovak translations of Paul Claudel).

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