
In the present paper a taxonomic and faunistic study of the superfamily of Grylloidea of Spain including the Balearic and Canary Islands is carried on. Sixty species and subspecies are reported for the study area, six of them new to science: Petaloptila (P.) fermini, P. (P.) isabelae, P. (Zapetaloptila) venosa, P. (Z.) barrancoi, Paramogoplistes dentatus sp. n. and Grylloderes orlovskajae adventicius subsp. n. ; likewise are erected two new subgenera Italoptila and Zapetaloptila . One correct synonymy of the genus Grylloderes Bolivar, 1894 (= Platygryllus Chopard, 1961, syn. dist. ), seven specific synonymies are established: Gryllomorpha (G.) dalmatina (Ocskay, 1832) (= Gryllomorpha dalmatina strumae Andreeva, 1982, syn. n. ), Petaloptila (P.) aliena (Brunner-Wattenwyl, 1882) (= Discoptila eitschbergeri Harz, 1976, syn. n. ), Acheta hispanicus Rambur, 1839 (= Gryllus erythrospilus Walker, 1869, syn. n. , Gryllus hispanicus var. fusculus Bolivar, 1927, syn. n. ), Eumodicogryllus bordigalensis (Latreille, 1802) (= Gryllodes ferdinandi Bolivar, 1899, syn. n. , Gryllus chinensis var. intermedia Bolivar, 1927, syn. n. ), Eugryllodes pipiens (Dufour, 1820) (= Gryllodes pipiens var. provincialis Azam, 1901, syn. n. ) and besides five new status and one new combination. Three species [ Eumodicogryllus theryi (Chopard, 1943), Sciobia natalia Gorochov, 1985 and Oecanthus dulcisonans Gorochov, 1993] are recorded for the first time for the Iberian Peninsula, being the former two also new for Europe, one ( Svercus p. palmetorum Krauss, 1902) for Peninsular Spain, three [ Natula averni (Costa, 1855), comb. n. , Acanthogryllus acus Gorochov, 1988, under this name, and Pseudomogoplistes vicentae Gorochov, 1996], for the Canary Islands, being latter recorded also for the first time for Algeria and Modicogryllus (M.) algirius (Saussure, 1877) is also recorded for the first time for France. On the other hand, we recognise Eugryllodes panteli (Cazurro, 1888) as a good species. An identification key with figures for the species of the genus Petaloptila is presented. The male genitalia of several species is also studied for the first time. The type series of Gryllodes macropterus Fuente, 1894 and Gryllotalpa septemdecimchromosomica Ortiz, 1958 and two paratypes of Gryllomorpha adspersa merobricensis Fernandes, 1959, stat. n. are localized. Lectotypes and paralectotypes of 17 taxons are designated. The distribution of all species is revised.


  • An identification key with figures for the species of the genus Petaloptila is presented

  • The male genitalia of several species is studied for the first time

  • Ortópteros y Dermápteros colectados en la Península Ibérica, durante los años 1962 y 1963 por misiones del British Museum (Natural History)

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Material y métodos

Material estudiado sin ningún tipo de referencia. Por el contrario, el resto del material, procedente de los centros que a continuación se relacionan, tiene especificada su procedencia mediante las letras clave del centro correspondiente, que figura entre paréntesis. Sin embargo el estudio de la genitalia de uno de los machos de Sierra Nevada (Almería) citado como G. longicauda (Barranco y Pascual, 1994), nos revela que no se diferencia de los de G. adspersa merobricensis por lo que lo hemos adjudicado a la subespecie anterior; mientras que el resto de estos ejemplares permanece en G. longicauda hasta que se aclare su identidad. También ha sido citada de las provincias de Zaragoza (Navás, 1900 y 1904a; Barranco Vega, 1998), Almería (Bolívar, 1927), Cádiz (Ragge, 1965), Granada (Pascual, 1978a, 1978b) y Navarra (Herrera y Schnidrig, 1983); siendo nueva para las de Cantabria, Córdoba, Guadalajara, Huelva, Teruel y Toledo. Pterothorax (without tegmina) and base of abdomen from above (A, E, G, I, K, N, Q); second tergite of abdomen, not covered at base, from above (B), left tegmen (C, D, F, H, J, L, M, O, R, S); left and right tegmina (P)

Clave de identificación de subgéneros y especies sólo para machos
Oecanthinae Oecanthini
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