
The ecological studieson the fish community in La Entrega Bay about its composition, diversity, distribution, and abundance7-288 Boletín de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras • Vol. 46 (1) • 2017are insufficient, although it has one of the largest structured coral reef, with a variety of environments,habitats, and aquatic organisms poorly studied. Five samples were made in November 2002, March andApril 2003, which correspond to the dry season; and June and August 2003 during the rainy season,through visual censuses with band transects of 10 m long and parallel to coastline. Each census wasconducted by two divers and considering a field of view of 5 m. Ten transects were distributed in thefollowing way: five in the coral reef, three in the rocky reef, and two in the sandy bottom in front ofthe commercial area of the Bay. A total of 65 species, 49 genus and 28 families were identified. Themost representative families were Labridae, with nine species and five genera, Pomacentridae witheight species and four genera and Tetraodontidae with five species and three genera. The greatestabundance of fish was characteristic of the coral reef, mainly during the rainy season. The greatestdiversity and specific richness occurred on the rocky reef during the rainy season. The classificationanalysis indicates a different community structure for coral reef, rocky, and sandy environments.Thalassoma lucasanum, Stegastes acapulcoensis, Prionurus punctatus, Chromis atrilobata,Haemulon maculicauda and Chaetodon humeralis were dominant species on the coral reef. Stegastesacapulcoensis, Microspathodon dorsalis, C. atrilobata, Apogon pacificus and Halichoeres notospiluswere dominant species on the rocky reef. Haemulon maculicauda, Haemulon steindachneri, Mugilcurema and Mulloidichthys dentatus were dominant species on the sandy environment. The specificrichness has a direct relationship with temperature. The abundance variations during the five months ofsampling were statistically different.

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