
IntroductionConstipation is a common symptom that can sometimes significantly affect the quality of life, and the patient may report as fewer stools, increased consistency, difficult to expel stool or feeling of incomplete evacuation. AetiopathogenesisIt is important to first identify related diseases or probable precipitating factors whose treatment or correction will be important for favorable evolution. DiagnosisIn case of chronic idiopathic constipation must be established if colonic transit is normal, slow or if there is dysfunction of the muscles involved in defecation, as therapeutic measures may differ from case to case. TreatmentIn recent years, in addition to the initial measures of nutritional education and health habits, diet rich in fiber and laxatives, they have emerged drugs with different mechanisms of action that have demonstrated efficacy in refractory cases. Surgical treatment is reserved for highly selected cases of patients with intolerance or lack of response to the wide therapeutic arsenal available, and in each case it is necessary to individually evaluate the risks and benefits.

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